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U.S. 政府在灾害期间联系卫生专业人员

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ICF partners with the U.S. 卫生和公众服务部建立了ASPR TRACIE, 一个信息网关,帮助公共卫生和医疗专业人员与有关灾难准备和恢复的顶级内容联系起来.

ASPR TRACIE的在线平台确保所有利益相关者-联邦, state, local, tribal, territories, nongovernmental organizations, 在私营部门,可以获得信息和资源,以改善准备工作, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts.


“Before a disaster strikes, 卫生和应急管理专业人员需要尽可能最好的信息来制定可用于保护健康和拯救生命的计划.”

主管应急准备和反应助理部长办公室, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

为了应对卡特里娜飓风造成的破坏,美国政府采取了行动.美国卫生与公众服务部(Department of Health and Human Services)设立了备灾与应对助理部长办公室(Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response,简称ASPR),领导预防工作, preparation, 应对突发公共卫生事件和灾害.

ASPR需要满足区域ASPR工作人员的信息和技术援助需要, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness.

技术资源、援助中心和信息交换(ASPR TRACIE)标志
Department of Health and Human Services logo

ASPR的使命要求公共卫生和医疗专业人员以及急救人员有坚实的基础, reliable information. 历史上很难找到这样的信息. Resorting to Google searches—and the unverified, 他们可以提供不可靠的信息——考虑到利害关系,这不是一个可行的方法.

These professionals were faced with:

  • 在某些领域信息过多,而在另一些领域信息不足.
  • Conflicting opinions provided by experts.
  • Varied sources with unknown reliability.
  • 请求技术援助和培训方面的挑战.
Woman speaking with CDC staff at airport


ASPR与ICF合作,以满足州和地方当局对备灾和灾后恢复的可靠信息来源的明确需求, HHS grantees, healthcare facilities’ emergency managers, and healthcare coalitions.

Together, ASPR and ICF created the Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (ASPR TRACIE), 一个关于卫生保健系统准备的易于获取的资源和技术援助的门户, public health preparedness, and disaster clinical medicine.

Three ways to access information

在获取和分享知识方面有三种不同但综合的选择, ASPR TRACIE 帮助那些寻求有关卫生保健应急准备和反应信息的人确定活动的优先次序, make smart decisions, find training, get answers, identify resources, and build on shared experiences.

TRACIE three prong information gateway



Online technical resource database, a self-service collection of disaster medical, healthcare, and public health preparedness materials, searchable by keywords and functional areas.
Assistance Center, offering 1-to-1 support via email or phone. 无论目前是否在ASPR TRACIE上提供信息,该中心都提供对深度专业知识的按需访问.
Information Exchange community discussion board,一个用户限制的点对点讨论板. 用户可以发布、搜索、上传和共享文档,也可以建立私人群组. 

ASPR TRACIE website on laptop关于医疗应急准备的全面内容

To generate informative content for users, experts identify studies, toolkits, lessons learned, planning guides, 围绕医疗系统准备中一些最紧迫的问题进行培训并将它们汇编成 comprehensive "topic collections."



In its first year alone, ASPR TRACIE attracted nearly 2,000名注册用户,并答复了医疗机构应急管理人员提出的850多个技术援助定制请求, healthcare providers, public health preparedness professionals, and more.

灾害卫生是一个复杂而不断发展的领域. ASPR TRACIE可以改善计划和反应,即使它的环境发生了变化. 它将根据用户社区的持续反馈继续增长和添加功能.

ASPR TRACIE through the years

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